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"eTrust" mark for Georgian ecommerce platforms

With the financial support from USAID Economic Governance Program, E-Commerce Association - Georgia leads implementation of eTrust Project. The project runs for 9 months starting from March 2023 and ending in November 2023.

The goal of "e-Trust Project" is to stimulate online sales on a national level through enhanced protection and trust among consumers and B2C merchants, by establishing a unified set of rules and by ensuring clear communication on these rules.

Project objectives are:

  1. To advocate towards fostering consumer trust and confidence in online commercial transactions in the relationship between B2C e-commerce businesses and consumers in Georgia.

  2. To add value for consumers and subscribing businesses through complementing or supplementing legal obligations with the establishment of a Trustmark scheme.

  3. To enhance E-Commerce Association - Georgia's financial sustainability through creating a working scheme of service provision to the e-commerce businesses.

The project is comprised of three phases:

PHASE I - Assessment of economic impact of lack of confidence in local e-commerce platforms and advocating towards creation of a self-regulatory mechanism - Code of Conduct - that will create a benchmark of quality for e-commerce businesses to adhere to when dealing with their customers.

PHASE II - Elaboration and establishment of a Trustmark scheme upon the Code of Conduct - the scheme will be created with close engagement of the industry representatives and endorsed by the respective Governmental bodies to ensure its adoption and credibility.

PHASE III - Raising awareness and promoting Trustmark scheme among e-commerce businesses and end-consumers.

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