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What is the impact of brand advertising on B2B sales?

In the current situation, the main tool in a marketer's activity is contextual advertising. In today's article, we want to talk about brand advertising because, no matter how much someone argues, the fact is that the brand works, the brand brings visitors to the site, most of whom become potential buyers.

Branded advertising is needed by everyone, including B2B companies. Digital channels allow for attention-grabbing advertising and increasing brand awareness. The conversion rate (CR) for branded queries is higher than for non-branded ones. A good marketer builds close contact with customers based on databases, shapes this base according to future activities, and also establishes look-alike audiences based on existing ones.

Performance-Approach: What is needed to unite?

Performance means that the company combines two approaches to advertising in its marketing strategy — brand advertising and performance marketing. The first part is aimed at increasing awareness and customer loyalty. The second is focused on measurable indicators.

Attention-Grabbing and Branded Advertising: Is it expensive?

The ever-popular brand-formance approach requires a large investment (both time and money) for attention-grabbing advertising backed by measurable performance indicators. Television advertising involves significant costs, and it’s a well-known fact that very few businesses have such financial resources. That's why we want to discuss ways to reduce the cost of brand advertising, while still maintaining its effectiveness and increasing brand awareness like more expensive advertising.

What should we do?

●      Use AI-driven tools: You can use special programs that have artificial intelligence algorithms and computing technologies so that your advertising banners always track and respond to user requests. Remember that these programs are designed for long-term results, and short 2-3 week tests will not give you the results you want.

●      Work with niche influencers: Buying advertising from influencers is not always cheap. However, by choosing niche channels with smaller audiences (which is often what B2B products need), you can save money, receive targeted applications, and gain customer loyalty, as small social media audiences tend to be more engaged.

●      Hire a skilled SMM manager: The more original the creative content, the more likely you are to appeal to a wider audience quickly, and more customers will want to buy your product.

How to measure the effectiveness of brand advertising?

It is not an easy task. For thorough research, you need a group of people who will participate in surveys or interviews. Research centers conduct these surveys to identify key indicators of brand awareness among consumers:

●      Top-of-Mind Awareness: This is the most desirable and hardest to achieve. It occurs when a person remembers the company so well that they associate all similar products with it.

●      Active Brand Awareness: This is when the consumer is well-informed about product categories and brand names.

●      Passive Brand Awareness: Here, the consumer needs prompts to remember a brand’s trademark or name. In this case, purchases are often spontaneous, and the audience returns only if they are satisfied with the quality and price compared to top-of-mind brands. However, this is rare.

●      No Brand Awareness: In this case, we are dealing with a "Marketing-pro" situation, where the purchase happens simply because there is no better alternative available.




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